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Russian Apache issues

This text is distributed with SquirrelMail in docs/russian_apache.txt file.

It is no longer advised to try and make SquirrelMail live in peace with RussianApache. Too many problems arise trying to make charset recoding co-exist with SquirrelMail. SM is completely capable of providing necessary charset headers, so most modern browsers will not have any problems interacting with SquirrelMail in the necessary Charset.

To turn off Charset Recoding of Russian Apache, use the following directive:

CharsetDisable on

You may put this directive into VirtualHost, Directory, Location, or a .htaccess file in the SquirrelMail's main directory (unless you turned off .htaccess files).

This is the best solution so far -- others involve so many steps that they are no longer viable.

This document was written by Konstantin Riabitsev

This file last modified on 2013-07-23 21:25 CEST
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